The Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs' Message To The Ministry-Institutional Cyber Incident Response Team: Don't Play A Role As A Real Icon

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) RI Hadi Tjahjanto asked the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) or the Cyber Incident Response Team in all ministries and institutions to play an active role in strengthening the data security system.

"This CSIRT should not only act as an icon that there is CSIRT here but it does not work, it must continue to carry out its functions properly, continue to carry out monitoring, continue to respond, and be ready to deal with cyber problems," Hadi said while visiting the Office of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) in the Ragunan area, South Jakarta in a press release, Tuesday, July 2, was confiscated by Antara.

To note, CSIRT is a team that provides services in the form of security, monitoring and being responsible for cyber activity in the event of an incident in an agency or region.

This group must be owned by all ministries and institutions in order to become the first guard to secure data if the system is hacked.

Hadi continued, CSIRT operating in every agency and ministry must work in accordance with security standards in accordance with BSSN Number 8 of 2020, BSSN Regulation Number 4 of 2021 and BSSN Regulation number 9 of 2023 concerning procedures for the preparation of a fit assessment scheme for Indonesian national standards.

In addition to relying on CSIRT, Hadi will also deploy BSSN as the control center for the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2.

There, BSSN will provide security and monitoring of PDNS 2 which oversees a lot of data from ministries, institutions and local governments.

With this layered security, Hadi believes that the national data defense system will increase so that hacking will not happen again.

Previously, 93 CSIRTs had been formed from various agencies and ministries throughout Indonesia. This number is the last achievement of the CSIRT target that must be formed in ministries and institutions, which is 160.

Meanwhile, in the provincial and district governments throughout Indonesia, 157 CSIRTs have been formed. This number is still far from the target for the formation of CSIRT in the local government, which is 552.