Central Sulawesi Sigi Floods, 73 Families Including 16 Affected Elderly

SULTENG - Floods accompanied by mud hit 71 houses in Bobo Village, West Dolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng). A total of 73 families (KK) with 286 people were affected by the disaster.

"The mud flood was caused by the intensity of the rainfall which was quite high and increased, resulting in 71 houses being submerged in mud, consisting of 36 lightly damaged houses, 18 moderately damaged houses and 17 houses severely damaged," said Head of 9 Kades Village) Bobo, Arifin after registering one by one local residents' houses affected by the mud flood, Tuesday, July 2, confiscated by Antara.

The flood accompanied by mud occurred on Monday, July 1 at 19.00 WITA, which was preceded by a roar from the west of the settlement. "So during the roar, we evacuated residents in Salubi Hamlet, Bobo Village, so that during the mud flood there were no casualties," he said. He then detailed the residents of Salubi Hamlet, Bobo Village, who were affected by the mud flood. "There are 16 elderly (elderly), 23 babies and toddlers and three pregnant women affected by the mud flood," he said.

Saat ini masyarakat setempat dibantu TNI-POLRI membersihkan ruas jalan yang dipenuhi lumpur akibat banjir tersebut."Sekarang kerja sama antara TNI-POLRI untuk membersihkan jalan yang tergenang banjir lumpur agar akses lalu lintas dapat berjalan lancar kembali, " ujarnya.Menurutnya untuk kebutuhan mendesak bagi warga setempat yaitu bahan pangan dan air bersih.Sementara dapur umum dari Dinas Sosial dan posko kesehatan Dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Sigi sudah menyediakan layanan di lokasi bencana banjir lumpur tersebut."Air bersih di dusun Salubi ini tidak mengalir dengan baik pasca banjir lumpur ini disebabkan adanya kerusakan terhadap pipa air dibagian hulu sungai," pungkasnya.