Reviewing Data Monitoring System Control Center At BSSN, Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs Asks To Increase State Data Guard

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto visited the office of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) in Ragunan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.

During the visit, Hadi directly inspected the data monitoring control center. He also participated in an apple with the BSSN and Computer Security Incident Response Team (CISRT) throughout Indonesia.

To note, CIRST is a team that provides services in the form of security, monitoring and being responsible for cyber activity in the event of an incident in an agency or region.

In the apple, Hadi reminded the ranks of how important the role of BSSN is in maintaining national data from cyber attacks.

Therefore, he asked all parties in BSSN to work hand in hand to strengthen the data security system.

"I remind all parties, we are a great nation, a nation that has great and intelligent human resources, especially in the IT field, we must master it," said Hadi.

Not only the central BSSN, but Hadi also asked CIRST in all ministries and institutions as well as local governments to increase supervision and security in order to maintain state data.

"This CISRT should not only act as an icon that here there is CISRT but it does not work, it must continue to carry out its functions properly, continue to carry out monitoring, continue to respond, and be ready to deal with cyber problems," said Hadi.

Previously, Hadi said that his party asked BSSN to take control of the main supervision of the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) which was later hacked.

"BSSN will also continue to improve cyber security by connecting to the BSSN control command in Ragunan," Hadi said when met at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

This, said Hadi, is necessary so that supervision of PDNS 2 can be carried out easily because it is coordinated with BSSN.

Monitoring by BSSN, continued Hadi, will include data and employee activities at PDNS 2 in receiving certain notifications.

Not only that, but BSSN will also monitor the use of passwords (security codes) within PDNS 2. This, according to Hadi, needs to be monitored because one of the causes of hacking PDNS 2 is the use of detected passwords.

"From the forensic results, we can already find out who the user always uses his password, and finally these very serious problems occur," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

By involving BSSN under supervision, he believes that the data security of government agencies in PDNS 2 will be more maintained.