What Influence Of Department Accreditation On The World Of Work? It Turns Out To Be This Important

YOGYAKARTA - Every university in Indonesia has different accreditation status. Similar to majors, they also have their own accreditation value. Every new school year, prospective students usually target campuses or majors that are accredited 'excellent' and A. So what is the influence of major accreditation on the world of work?

Accreditation is an assessment of the quality of educational institutions carried out by independent test institutions. The criteria for accreditation assessment include educational standards, research standards, and standards of community service. Large campuses such as UGM, UI, and ITB, have received accreditation A because they have good quality education.

The status of campus accreditation is also a consideration when applying for a job. alumni from well-known universities are usually easier to get a job, compared to campus graduates accredited under A. Many are curious about the influence of accreditation on opportunities at work.

The best campuses in Indonesia have always been the favorite of many people when they college. The main reason why they compete to enter this well-known university is because of their high accreditation, which is accredited A or unggul.

Many prospective students take into account the accreditation status of the campus and majors, compared to the choice of the study program. It is common knowledge that the educational background of universities is accredited and has more value when applying for jobs.

In the world of work, many companies have been found that require accreditation A for educational backgrounds that have been pursued by jobseekers. Some companies do not include these conditions, but usually recruiters look more at applicants who come from well-known campuses.

Fresh graduate or jobseeker who graduated from campus with accreditation whether considered to have superior competence or performance. The following is the influence of major accreditation on the world of work that is important to know for prospective students and those of you who are studying:

Accreditation from the majors taken greatly affects the ease of getting a job, including if you plan to continue your career as a government employee. To date, many government agencies require that their prospective employees graduate from universities with a minimum accreditation B.

This also applies to accreditation of the prospective employee department. This requirement is determined because it affects the quality of knowledge and skills of prospective employees. Students who study majoring in good accreditation usually get quality education during college.

The knowledge and skills gained will later be beneficial for relevant government agencies. Therefore, this requirement is generally applied both in official and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

Being a civil servant is one of the careers that Indonesians dream of a lot. If you are one of those who have this dream, it is important to choose to major with accreditation B or A. Because, one of the requirements to take CPNS is graduates from universities with a minimum accreditation B.

This applies to both institutional accreditation and major accreditation, which must be proven by attaching an accreditation certificate from BAN-PT. This means that by graduating from accredited majors and campuses, the opportunity to pass CPNS will be even greater. Therefore, selective in choosing accredited majors is very important.

Campus accreditation or major also affects the ease of passing the selection of employee admissions in various companies. Currently, it is not only government agencies that set the standard for major accreditation as a qualification for prospective employees.

Similar requirements are also applied by many private companies in Indonesia, especially large companies that have many branches in various cities and regions. They will look for employees who graduate from institutions with the quality guaranteed by the government.

The analogy is that when someone wants to buy a car, they will prefer cars that have passed the test and receive quality insurance from the government. Therefore, they will prioritize the car from the proven manufacturer.

Many lecturers and prospective lecturers are looking for scholarship programs to continue their education to a higher level, both undergraduate and doctoral degrees. To make it easier to get these scholarships, it is important to become alumni of accredited universities and majors.

Graduates from universities and accredited majors make a person a high-quality alumni. Scholarship providers will be more confident in providing education costs to those whose education quality has been guaranteed by the government through BAN-PT. The opportunity to pursue a career as a lecturer becomes easier.

Such is the review of the influence of accreditation majors on the world of work. Campus accreditation and majors provide great opportunities for fresh graduates or jobseers in applying for jobs. Alumni from accredited campuses are both considered to have superior competence because they have completed education in quality campuses. Also read how to check campus accreditation and study.

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