The UN Desak Bahrain Issues A Ceasefire Resolution In South Lebanon

JAKARTA - The Bahrain Authority, Saturday, June 29, urged the UN Security Council to issue a ceasefire resolution in southern Lebanon.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has monitored the development and escalation of the military on the Lebanese-Israeli border," said Bahrain Foreign Ministry, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 30.

"Bahrain expressed concern over the escalation," he added.

The ministry stressed the need to avoid military escalation and prevent the expansion of conflicts in the region to maintain Lebanon's security while trying to achieve security, peace and stability in the region.

Bahrain also urged a ceasefire between the two sides and took a peaceful solution through negotiations to maintain civilian life and ensure regional security and stability.

The Kingdom of Bahrain called on the UN Security Council to immediately intervene, pay proper attention to military clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border, and immediately issue a ceasefire resolution to prevent escalating conflict.

They also warn of a serious impact on regional and international security and stability if the conflict expands.

Tensions escalated along the Lebanese border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between the Lebanese Hezbollah group and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv continued to launch its deadly strike in the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,800 people since October 7, 2023.

Hezbollah linked the halt to his attack on Israel to the end of the Tel Aviv attack on Gaza.