NGO: Israel's Aggression Causes 10,000 People In Gaza To Experience Disabilities

GAZA - The Palestinian NGO Network Rehabilitation Sector estimates that about 10,000 people suffer from various kinds of disability following Israel's ongoing aggression and increasingly becoming in the Gaza Strip.

According to a statement released on Saturday, hundreds of people with disabilities were killed and thousands of others injured as a result of intense attacks by Israeli forces.

The crisis in Gaza forced tens of thousands of people with disabilities to flee, plunging them into difficult evacuation conditions and severe psychological trauma, he said.

The statement stressed that Israel's actions, including the destruction of infrastructure, main roads, and rehabilitation centers, severely limit the mobility and access of services for persons with disabilities.

This has significantly weakened their ability to move, carry out safe evacuations and eliminate important aids left behind while facing bombings.

In addition, the lives of people with disabilities are also threatened due to the water, food, energy, medicine and medical and rehabilitation services crisis.

They face tremendous difficulties in overcrowded shelters and minimal basic facilities, exacerbating their struggle to access humanitarian assistance, sanitation facilities, and other important needs.

The NGO underlines that failures to accommodate people with disabilities, accompanied by excessive density, pose new challenges in accessing services that are already scarce.

People with disabilities there are very vulnerable to malnutrition and chronic illness, which significantly adds to the risk of death, the NGO said.