Polda Metro Investigates The Relations Of Two Fraud Cases In Like And Subscribe Mode

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the possibility of a connection between the alleged fraud case, the mode of offering a like job and YouTube content subscriber which he revealed with a similar case handled by Bareskrim Polri.

It is known that Bareskrim Porli revealed that it arrested foreign nationals (WNA) from China who were perpetrators of fraud hundreds of Indonesian citizens (WNI).

"We will explore the connection later," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, to VOI, Saturday, June 29.

So far, the equations in both cases have the same mode. However, there are several differences such as for cases handled by Polda Metro Jaya controlled by someone with the initials D from Cambodia.

Meanwhile, for the case handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, investigators arrested SZ, who is a Chinese foreigner in Abu Dhabi. However, the network has not yet been submitted.

Wadir Siber Bareskrim Polri, Kombes Dani Kustoni had said that the arrest of SZ was the result of the development of an online scam case that was handled previously.

"What we have previously made arrests, so this is the most important thing we have taken (arrested)," he said.

In addition, in the case of Like and Subscribe mode fraud handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, the suspect SZ has deceived hundreds of Indonesians.

"The victim was approximately 800 people, lured by job vacancies, and lost hundreds of billions," said Dani,