Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Muhadjir Revises Target For Stunting Reduction 2024

SEMARANG - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the revised stunting reduction target, which was originally under 14 percent, is now below 20 percent according to the standards of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

According to Muhadjir, the revised target is also in accordance with President Jokowi's statement that the stunting reduction target of up to 14 percent by 2024 is very ambitious.

"Yesterday we maximized the target, because seeing its achievements at the end is quite good. But the President has also said that 14 percent is indeed very ambitious. Therefore, we will see in 2024 what it will be like," said Muhadjir when met after the celebration of the 31st National Family Day (Harganas) celebration in Semarang, Central Java, Saturday, June 29.

However, Muhadjir said that his party was still targeting stunting below 20 percent by 2024 to 2025.

"But at least, hopefully in 2024 we will be below 20 percent in accordance with the provisions in the SDGs. So we are targeting 2025, our stunting is below 20 percent," said Muhadjir.

Until now, the Government is still trying to accelerate the input for recording electronic-based Community Nutrition Reporting (e-PPGBM) throughout Indonesia, where up to now 92.29 percent of the data has been entered.

"And to date 92.29 percent of toddlers have been weighed and measured and their status is known, including stunting," said Muhadjir.

On Sunday (30/6), it is hoped that the incoming data will reach 100 percent so that it can be used as the basis for the preparation of the following stunting handling program.

"It's only tomorrow. We hope to approach 100 percent. And that's what we will use as a benchmark next to the Indonesian Health Survey (SKI), as well as the results of this census (e-PPGBM), the results of this measurement from the community. That will be what we will use as a starting point to design future stunting management," he said.