BNPB Hopes Electricity Can Be Recovered Immediately To Overcome The Impact Of Floods In Gorontalo

JAKARTA - The recovery of the electricity network is the main thing to accelerate the flood emergency response efforts that hit Gorontalo and Bone Bolango Regencies, Gorontalo Province more than a week ago. This matter was revealed by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, revealed that to overcome these obstacles, BNPB through the local district Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has coordinated with various parties.

BNPB hopes that electricity can be restored soon because, he said, this has hampered the coordination function and data collection process for the joint team in a number of affected areas from the two districts.

The BNPB Pusdalops recorded the number of flood victims from three sub-districts, namely Biluhu, Dungaliyo, and Limboto in Gorontalo Regency, there were 3,233 people consisting of 990 families.

Floods in Gorontalo Regency as of Thursday (20/6) have submerged 727 housing units and 56 hectares of rice fields. For the time being, based on reports from the joint team in the flood field, it has begun to recede in most areas, and data collection and recovery efforts are still being carried out even though it is in the obstacles to the electricity network.

The BNPB Pusdalops also confirmed that Bone Bolango Regency was still facing a critical situation due to the flood overflow of the Bone River and was exacerbated due to the breakdown of the embankment in Masiaga Village, Wednesday (19/6). This resulted in around 398 housing units being submerged with victims of around 508 families or 1,454 people in Bone Bolango Regency.

The current condition was reported that most of the victims had started cleaning up flood deposits in their respective homes, but there were still 65 people who were forced to evacuate to the local sub-district office and 19 other families in their residents' homes / relatives.

Apart from that, Abdul ensured that the safety of flood victims was a priority in which the local district government had established a number of posts and public kitchens to meet basic daily needs for the next 14 days involving hundreds of joint team personnel consisting of BPBD, TNI/Polri, Tagana, and the local village government.