This Is Anggia Tesalonika, Whom Edhy Prabowo Bought An HRV Car To Rent An Apartment

JAKARTA - Former personal secretary (sespri) Edhy Prabowo, Anggia Tesalonika Kloer admitted that he received a car and rented an apartment from the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Anggia made this confession when he testified in the trial of the alleged bribery of the lobster seed export permit with the accused, Director of PT Dua Putera Perkasa Pratama (DPPP) Suharjito.

"I rented an apartment as my apartment because I have no family in Jakarta and I am from the Manado area. I rented an apartment," said Anggia during a hearing at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 17.

The prosecutor who heard the answer confirmed the rental of the apartment by reading the Investigation Report (BAP). In it, the apartment was given by Edhy Prabowo.

"BAP number 8 because at the time of renting Amiril's apartment, he had told me that the rental was from you. You mean Edhy Prabowo here," said the prosecutor reading the BAP.

"Yes," said Anggia.

In addition, Anggia also claimed to have been given a black Honda HRV by Edhy. However, the vehicle registration certificate (STNK) was in the name of Ainul Faqih, staff of Edhy's wife, Iis Rosita Dewi.

"The vehicle after I recovered from Covid-19 in early October, I was loaned a car to make it easier from my residence to the office so as not to use public transportation. STNK in the name of Ainul," he explained.

Previously, Edhy Prabowo was said to have bought a car and rented out an apartment for Anggia Tesalonika Kloer.

"There are many names of women here, there are car purchases, someone is kept in an apartment, where is this money from?" asked the chairman of the panel of judges, Albertus Usada.

"I forgot sir," replied Edhy Prabowo, whose name was Amiril Mukminin.

"Isn't it the one you have the money with?" asked the judge.

"At that time I had to withdraw cash, I think I used the money, so I paid in cash," said Amiril.

"Is it true that the car for Anggia Putri Tesalonika is a black HRV?" asked the judge.

"That's right," replied Amiril.

According to Amiril, the purchase of a car for Anggia was ordered by Edhy Prabowo.

"There is an order from Pak Edhy to use Anggia's car because Anggia doesn't have a car yet?" asked the KPK prosecutor (JPU) Siswandhono.

"Yes, using your cash, your money," said Amiril.