Commission I Of The Indonesian House Of Representatives Criticism Of BSSN's Work On Cyber Incidents: Is This An Accident Or Ignorance?
JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI, TB Hasanuddin criticized the incident of ransomware attacks that occurred against the Regional National Data Center (PDNS) 2, in a Working Meeting with the Ministry of Communication and Information and the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).
During the meeting, the politician from the PDI-Perjuangan faction considered that the incident of hacking the system and data leaks that continued to occur in Indonesia was a national stupidity.
"This is actually an accident or national stupidity, right? Why? Concerned. We have been working together for almost five years, especially with BSSN, and BSSN always reports any attacks but no more comprehensive actions," he said on Thursday, June 27.
According to a report from the Indonesian cybersecurity landscape in 2023 given by BSSN to the Indonesian House of Representatives, there were 1,101,229 incidents that occurred. With this number, he questioned BSSN's performance in dealing with the attack.
"But just keep going. Are we just going to report the incident or make efforts so that the incident doesn't happen," he said.
He also questioned the results of digital forensics being carried out by BSSN on the Cipher Brain ransomware incident which affected data from 282 agencies, which entrusted the data to PDNS 2.
"Now (data) we are locked, the code is in them, we are asked to redeem, it's impossible. Right now, I ask you to be open, what kind of digital forensics is done? I want to know," he said.
Responding to a request for digital forensic results, the Head of BSSN Hinsa Siburian said that until now the BSSN team was still in the process, to identify the perpetrators of the n origin of the attack.
"The BSSN digital FORensic is actually currently underway, it is a bit difficult to open because it is still in process. We will report it later, because it is still in process," replied Hinsa.