Achieve Awards From The Jakarta Provincial Government, Bank DKI Appreciates The Performance Of The Prosecutor's Office
JAKARTA - Consistently providing legal assistance, legal considerations, and other legal actions for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) and BUMD owned by DKI Jakarta, Bank DKI gives appreciation for the receipt of awards from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office.
"Bank DKI congratulates and highest appreciation for the achievements of the DKI Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, especially in mentoring services, and legal considerations in the field of Civil and State Administration (Datun), especially the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and DKI Jakarta BUMD," said Acting Director (Plt.) President Director of Bank DKI, Amirul Wicaksono in a written statement, quoted Thursday, June 27.
The award was received by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono to the Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office, Rudi Margono at Monas to coincide on the 497th Anniversary of the City of Jakarta this year, based on the performance of the Civil and State Administrative Affairs (DATUN) during the period from 2023 to May 2024.
Amirul further said that the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office as a law enforcement agency has become the best partner for Bank DKI, especially in maintaining the principles of implementing good corporate governance. The positive synergy that was built between Bank DKI and the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office, especially with the Civil and State Administration (Datun) sector, through the Asdatun of the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office, Badrut Tamam runs according to the corridor of good corporate governance, continuously.
For information, in terms of assistance and legal services, Bank DKI has synergized with the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office, as outlined in the Joint Agreement Note between Bank DKI and the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office, regarding Cooperation in the Field of Civil Law and State Administration. In the agreement, in addition to providing legal assistance, the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office will provide legal assistance, legal considerations, to improving the technical competence of human resources in the legal field.
Representing Bank DKI, Amirul appreciated the DKI Jakarta Prosecutor's Office through the Civil and State Administration sector which has also been able to assist in legal services related to the resolution of the problem of cooperation in the use of land owned by Bank DKI on Jalan MH. Thamrin 10 Central Jakarta, including problematic credit collection.