Members Of The DPR-Economits Appreciate The Government's Quick Action Limiting TPT Import Products

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Patijaya and Economist of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Ernoiz Antriyandarti appreciated the government's quick movement to tighten imported products, especially in the textile and textile product (TPT) industry.

"We at the DPR agree with President Jokowi that the domestic industry needs to be protected. We support the President's policy that the relaxation of imports of downstream TPT products does not need to be continued," said Member of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Patijaya as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 27. According to him, the industrial sector is one of the high employment absorbers in Indonesia, so this makes the industry one of the backbones of the Indonesian economy.

He cited data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which stated that gross domestic product (GDP) in the industrial sector in 2023 contributed 18.67 percent to the national economy with a contribution value of IDR 3,900 trillion.

He agreed with the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita who still wants control for imported products that enter the domestic market. "It is still better to control the import of textile goods and textile products. The state must be present in how to protect the domestic TPT industry," he said. On the other hand, the Economist of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Ernoiz Antriyandarti wants the plan to rearrange the regulation of import tightening regulations to be carried out immediately, it aims so that the positive impact of the trade barriers implemented, can be immediately felt by domestic industry players. "I really appreciate the government's quick response in overcoming the Permendag polemic No. 8 of 2024 by making revisions. The sooner the revision is carried out, the sooner the impact of implementing the revised policy," he said.

On Tuesday, June 25, President Jokowi held a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, which was attended by a number of cabinet ministers to respond to the large number of local textile industries that went out of business.

"Just now the meeting was about complaints from the textile industry, textile industry players who were some closed, and there were some who were threatened (taking) mass layoffs," said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas).

To respond to this issue, said Zulhas, the government is considering re-imposing the tightening of import policies and regulations that had previously been stated in Permendag 36/2023.

The re-implementation of the regulation is a suggestion from the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita which is expected to stem the wave of layoffs experienced by the textile industry