Starting Contraction, Tengku Dewi And Andrew Andika Divorce Trials Are Postponed Again

JAKARTA - The couple Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika were again summoned to undergo their divorce trial which was held at the Cibinong Religious Court (PA), West Java today, Thursday, June 27.

However, on this second call, Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika were both not present at the trial.

Tengku Dewi's attorney, Tiara Oktavia, explained that her client's absence was due to the contraction of the mother of one child.

"Today our client should have just come because our client is pregnant and there is also a certificate from the doctor, so earlier the panel of judges still asked for the next trial on July 4, he was present," said Tiara Oktavia at PA Cibinong, West Java, Thursday, June 27.

"So it has been conveyed earlier, the condition of our client is still very pregnant, there is a contraction and there is another job too," he added.

As a result, Tiara said that the trial today was postponed again and would continue to the next agenda.

"If they are not present, the trial will proceed to the next agenda, namely proof, conclusion, decision. So the trial will continue without the defendant's presence," he explained.

Previously, Tengku Dewi through her attorney had said that she had no intention of attending but would be attempted if the panel of judges was required.

"(Tengku Dewi) Told us he was not present. Only if he was required, he would attend," said Tiara.