MUI Asks The Honorary Court For The Process Of Members Of The DPR Involved In Online Gambling

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has asked the Honorary Court of the Council to try members of the House of Representatives (DPR) who are involved in online gambling.

"MUI asks the Honorary Court of the Council to try them (members of the DPR who are involved in online gambling) so that the honor and dignity of the DPR/DPRD as people's representative institutions can be maintained and maintained," said MUI Deputy General Chair Anwar Abbas in his statement, Thursday, June 27, quoted by Antara.

Anwar conveyed this in response to the statement by the Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana in front of Commission III of the DPR RI which stated that there were more than a thousand members of the DPR and DPRD playing online gambling.

"This is clearly surprising and concerning, especially since the Head of PPATK has also pocketed the names of the legislative members who play online gambling. This is of course a concern for us together because as members of their DPR/DPRD, of course, they should know about laws and regulations that have prohibited the illicit and disgraceful practices they have carried out," he said.

Anwar emphasized that as representatives of the people, members of the DPR / DPRD should be examples and role models for the people in complying with existing laws and regulations.

"The number of transactions that have been taken by PPATK is around 63 thousand transactions, so on average each member of the DPR and DPRD has played around 63 times. This shows that many of them are addicted to playing gambling and this is very dangerous, because it must be very difficult for them to leave the act behind," he explained.

He also highlighted the aggregate value of transactions carried out, which is around Rp. 25 billion per person, which when compared to the official salary and income they receive, the money spent on gambling is greater than the acceptance they receive every month or every year.

"Therefore, we must not take this problem lightly because the members of the DPR and DPRD who are addicted to playing gambling will always try to be able to play," he said.

Anwar also asked the Government to close the online gambling and take action against its organizers, as well as to order the police to immediately process those who have violated the law and these provisions to transfer their cases to the prosecutor's office so that they are immediately tried in court, and sentenced properly.

MUI juga meminta agar pihak kepolisian menyelidiki asal musal kekayaan yang mereka dapat dan digunakan untuk judi, karena diduga untuk memenuhi keinginan judinya, mereka bisa saja melakukan berbagai cara yang haram dan terbar seperti korupsi, mencuri, memeras dan robi. Hal-hal tersebut tentu tidak dapat kita terima, karena akan merugikan dirinya, keluarga, orang lain, bangsa, dan negara, tandasanya.