Sri Mulyani: Social Assistance Budget Reaches IDR 70.5 Trillion Until May 2024, Ministry Of Social Affairs Is Largest
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance reported that until May 31, 2024, social assistance expenditures (bansos) reached IDR 70.5 trillion, an increase of 12.7 percent year on year (yoy), compared to last year's IDR 62.5 trillion.
"For social assistance expenditures, it reached Rp. 70.5 trillion, greater than capital expenditures. And this means that there was an increase of 12.7 percent compared to last year's social assistance of Rp. 62.5 trillion," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani in a press conference on the KITA State Budget Thursday, June 27.
Sri Mulyani said that the increase in the realization of social assistance spending was mainly influenced by the distribution of basic food card social assistance which was disbursed for two months at a time, namely in May and June 2024.
Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani explained, the use of social assistance spending was carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) amounting to Rp37.4 trillion was used to distribute the Family Hope Program (PKH) for 10 million Beneficiary Families (KPM), and Basic Food Cards for 18.7 million KPM.
Then the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) amounted to Rp. 19.3 trillion to help families and individuals who could not afford as many as 96.8 million participants from BPJS Kesehatan.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud, Research and Technology) amounted to IDR 11.9 trillion for the assistance of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) to 8.8 million students, and KIP Lectures for 766.7 thousand students.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Religion amounted to IDR 1.6 trillion for 1.5 million schools for PIP students and 47,000 students for KIP Lectures.
"Meanwhile, social assistance due to areas or communities experiencing natural disasters is Rp. 100 billion that has been disbursed," he said.
For information, the realization of Central Government Expenditures until the end of May 2024 reached IDR 824.3 trillion, an increase of 15.4 percent year on year (yoy) or around 33.4 percent of the 2024 State Budget (APBN) ceiling.
Central government spending rose by 15.4 percent, Sri Mulyani said this was due to activities such as elections that occurred in February requiring quite a lot of front-loading of spending.
In detail, the realization of spending on Ministries/Institutions (K/L) until May 2024 reached Rp388.7 trillion or 35.6 percent of the 2024 State Budget ceiling. This realization was influenced by JKN/KIS payments, distribution of various social assistance programs, infrastructure development, BMN maintenance and support for general election implementation (elections).
Meanwhile, the realization of non-K/L expenditures reached Rp435.6 trillion or 31.6 percent of the 204 APBN ceiling. The realization was influenced by the realization of energy subsidies and payment of pension benefits.
Meanwhile, spending for non-K/L reaches IDR 388.7 trillion consisting of capital expenditures, social assistance expenditures for goods, to personnel expenditures.