Anies Supplying 100 Electric Buses This Year, The Reason: The Number Of Vehicles Is More Than DKI Residents

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan plans to operate 100 Transjakarta buses based on electricity this year. By developing electric vehicles, Anies hopes to reduce congestion in Jakarta.

Currently, Anies sees the traffic of vehicles from inside and outside the city passing through Jakarta, which has greatly exceeded the number of residents who have DKI KTPs.

"The number of vehicles, both private and public vehicles, is often more than the number of residents in the city", Anies said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, March 17.

From the number of vehicles, there is an increase in emissions. The impact, said Anies, arises air pollution problems. Therefore, electric transportation is a viable solution to consider.

"We are all moving towards an emission-free transportation model, one of which is electricity-based. The government encourages demand so that more people will be able to produce and people can use electric-based vehicles", said Anies.

Continuing, the President Director of PT Transjakarta Sardjono Jhonny Tjitrokusumo said that in the company's long-term plan (RJPP) until 2030, there would be 10,051 electricity-based Transjakarta buses to be operated.

However, Jhonny admitted that Transjakarta could not work alone in encouraging an increase in electric vehicles. Therefore, Transjakarta needs assistance from other parties, including fleet certification from the Ministry of Transportation and the Office of Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy.

Then, Transjakarta must also have the support of reliable operators as providers of electric transportation services for Transjakarta, which targets that by 2030 all of its fleets will have completely switched to using electricity.

"To switch to the electric mode, we are cooperating well with the operators. We hope that they really understand that in the future Transjakarta's priority is electric buses.

"Later, operators who work with us to serve the public will have electric buses whose brands, quality, and specifications we have tested. The goal is clear, to reduce Jakarta's emissions to a minimum", said Jhonny.