Village Head In Bogor Joint Venture For Compensation Of IDR 324 Million Funds For Lost Village Stolen By Broken Glass Mode

BOGOR - Village Head, treasurer, and Head of the Cibodas Village Activity Implementation Team (TPK), Rumpin District, Bogor Regency, West Java, joint ventured to replace village funds worth Rp324 million which were reported missing and stolen.

"It was replaced and accounted for by the TPK, the village treasurer and I as a result of the deliberation," said Cibodas Village Head Mad Harun at Rumpin, Wednesday, June 26.

According to him, the missing village funds still had to be replaced, because it had been budgeted for road repairs in Leuwipeso Village, Cibodas.

"God willing, the road repairs will be completed," said Harun.

The Head of the Rumpin Police, AKBP Sumijo, revealed that based on the report he received, the funds earmarked for the asphalting of the road were lost due to the broken car glass action.

"The money is planned to be allocated for the construction of the asphalting of Jalan Kampung Leuwipeso Cibodas, the evidence that was secured by car glass fragments," said AKBP Sumijo.

He explained that the alleged theft occurred at around 12.30 WIB on Tuesday (25/6). At that time, Cibodas Village Treasurer Andriawan and Cibodas Village TPK Chairman Rendi Lesmana returned from Bank Mandiri Leuwiliang Branch after disbursing village funds.

On the way home, a Honda CRV with police number B 1553 VJB was interrupted on the left rear tire. So, both of them changed the leaked tires with spare tires.

Then, Andriawan and Rendi continued their journey to meet the village head of Cibodas who was reviewing the road repair work in Leuwipeso Village. Arriving at the location, Andriawan approached the village head, followed by Rendi a few moments later.

When they returned, the two found the car not in its original condition. The windshield on the right looks broken and the bag containing money and others stored under the dashboard is gone.

Several other items that were reported missing were a laptop, 25 ATM cards belonging to Koran teachers, 9 ATM cards belonging to village officials, and one unit of token equipment for transfer purposes.

AKBP Sumijo explained that officers from the Rumpin Police together with the Bogor Police Inafis Team immediately processed the crime scene (TKP) after receiving a report on the alleged theft.