KLHK: Ash Test Of Steam Power Plant Showed It Did Not Meet The B3 Category Standards

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) confirmed that the results of testing the coal ash waste resulting from the combustion of the Steam Power Plant (PLTU) showed that it did not meet the category of hazardous and toxic materials (B3).

"We conducted tests on coal waste originating from the Steam Power Plant (PLTU), and the result was that fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) did not qualify as B3 waste," said Director General of Waste Management, Waste and Hazardous and Toxic Materials (PSLB3) of The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Rosa Vivien Ratnawati in a virtual media briefing, monitored from Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 15.

According to the characteristic testing carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on FABA or the ash from burning coal at the Steam Power Plant, it shows several facts such as not having flammability, non-explosive, non-reactive cyanide and sulfide, non-corrosive, meeting the quality standards of Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) and heavy metal concentration testing.

The Director-General of PSLB3, KLHK, Vivien, confirmed that the results of the FABA test from 19 PLTU units with test results for all parameters showed that the results met the quality standards based on Attachment III PP No. 101/2014/Annex XI PP Number 22/2021

In addition, the results of the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) conducted by Steam Power Plant Painto 1 and 2 to determine potential risks for workers showed that there were no parameters that exceeded the Toxicity Reference Value determined by the Ministry of Manpower.

Vivien also ensured that the inclusion of coal ash waste from the Steam Power Plant (PLTU) into the non-B3 category would still maintain management in accordance with standards.

The government decided to issue Steam Power Plant (PLTU) FABA from the B3 waste category, as attached in Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. The rule itself is a derivative of the Job Creation Act.