Tank Car Burns On Ngawi-Kertosono Toll Road, Pertamina Coordinates With KNKT

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga burning tank cars on the Ngawi-Kertosono toll road did not interfere with the distribution of fuel oil (BBM) in the East Java region.

As one of the cross-distribution routes for fuel in the operational area of Pertamina Patra Niaga Region Jatimbalinus, the Ngawi 'Kertosono toll road has a strategic role in the distribution chain of fuel.

Area Manager of Comrel & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Region Jatimbalinus Ahad Rahedi conveyed his high appreciation for the alertness of the Kab Fire Team. Ngawi and Jasamarga in responding and helping to extinguish the fuel tankers managed by PT Sinar Wahana Surya.

Pertamina stated that it would continue to coordinate with the National Transportation Accident Committee (NTSC) and the Ngawi Regency Fire Department to review and identify the cause of the spark in the tank car.

"The distribution of fuel in the East Java region did not experience any disturbance due to the incident (catch car fire)," he said, quoting Antara.

The distribution from FT Madiun to gas stations, said Sunday, was served by 48 tank cars, including reserve tankers needed in the event of an unexpected incident.

Sunday explained that on Tuesday (25/6), the Nopol N 9731 UF fuel tank car, with a total capacity of 24 kiloliters (KL) caught fire on the Ngawi 'Kertosono toll road.

The Pertamina, Damkar, Highway Patrol (PJR), and Jasamarga teams managed to handle the burning fuel tanker, so as not to cause long traffic disturbances.

The fire was extinguished in less than 2 hours since the fire began to ignite, with the help of 3 units of fire engines in Ngawi Regency.

Sunday appreciated the Fire Department (Damkar) Team of Ngawi Regency, East Java, who managed to extinguish the blaze on the fuel tanker on the Ngawi 'Kertosono toll road, so Pertamina could focus on distributing energy.

"With support that gets quick and alert attention like this, we can focus on distributing energy and serving the needs of the community," said Sunday.