UAE Mediation Successfully Exchanged 180 War Brawls Between Russia And Ukraine

JAKARTA - The United Arab Emirates announced that their mediation efforts had resulted in a successful exchange of 180 prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine.

In a statement, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the latest mediation, the fifth since the beginning of this year, was "a result from the UAE that utilizes relations and partnerships that are different from the two sides, including its role as a reliable mediator between the parties."

As reported by ANTARA from Anadolu, Wednesday, June 26, previous mediation efforts carried out by the UAE since early 2024 have facilitated four exchanges of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine.

In December 2022, the UAE also successfully mediated the exchange of prisoners between the US and Russia.

The UAE has positioned itself as a neutral intermediary seeking to facilitate dialogue and deescalation between Russia and Ukraine amid the ongoing war.

Russia has been carrying out military operations in Ukraine since February 24, 2022.

Moscow says Ukraine's plans to join the US-led NATO alliance pose a threat to Russia's national security.