IDX Reveals Capital Market Investor Capai 13 Million SID

JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) noted that the number of Indonesian capital market investors has passed 13 million single investor identification (SID), with the growth of more than 863,000 new SIDs throughout 2024.

Meanwhile, the number of Indonesian stock investors has reached 5.7 million SID. Various educational and promotional activities carried out by the IDX together with the Financial Services Authority (OJK), in collaboration with various communities, to the introduction of the IDX Mobile application as a reference in investing have become a significant driver in the growth of the number of Indonesian Capital Market investors.

Meanwhile, from January to May 2024, there were 6,211 capital market education activities attended by more than 5.8 million participants throughout Indonesia. The magnitude of this activity is the result of BEI synergy and collaboration with OJK, Self Regulatory Organization (SRO), Exchange Members, listed Companies, Investment Managers, capital market communities, as well as other stakeholders, including the IDX Investment Gallery, which as of June 20, 2024, has totaled 904 IDX Investment Gallerys.

IDX Development Director Jeffrey Hendrik expressed hope that the wider community and potential investors can understand the existing information and trading mechanisms. At the same time, investors are expected to continue to increase their literacy in the capital market.

"The public and potential investors are expected to get a fairly good understanding, so that when they become investors they can make investment decisions rationally. Of course, this is based on accurate and reliable data and information through various facilities provided by the IDX Mobile and Website," Jeffrey said in an official statement, Wednesday, June 26.

Jeffrey added that the IDX Mobile continues to encourage the use of IDX Mobile to increase literacy regarding the Indonesian capital market. Currently, of the 5.7 million stock investors, most of them already have online trading applications.

"Of course the application has its own completeness and complexity, maybe there are complex ones but some are still basic, so investors need additional information by downloading IDX Mobile," he said.

As of May 31, 2024, the number of IDX Mobile users has reached 154,883, an increase of 47 percent since December 31, 2023. Since the beginning of the year, the average number of users produced every day has reached 306 users.