Two SYL Children Return Hundreds Of Millions Of Money To The KPK

JAKARTA - Two children of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, Indira Chunda Thita and Kemal Redindo, are said to have returned around Rp600 million to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The money was used as a substitute for purchasing tickets when going to Umrah to Mecca using Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) funds.

"The use of money by the family by Mr. Dindo and Mrs. Tita has been returned to the state through the KPK," said SYL's attorney, Djamaluddin Koedoeboen, to VOI, Wednesday, June 26.

The refund was returned to the KPK on Tuesday, June 25. The nominal value is around Rp600 million.

"Mr. Dindo's Umrah tickets are around Rp. 300 million and Mrs. Tita is also around that. Return other facilities as well," he said

Not only that, the SYL sector has also returned Rp2 billion to the KPK. The money was transferred to the KPK's deposit account.

"The Rp2 billion money was returned by the family," said Djamaluddin.

The return was also referred to as evidence of the SYL family's commitment that had been submitted at trial.

The KPK was also asked to immediately issue details of the money that the SYL family had to return to the state.

"The family has good faith, so indeed the KPK has written about one to two weeks ago regarding the details of how much must be resolved," said Djamaluddin.