The Reason Yenny Wahid Rejects Gerindra To Advance In The 2024 East Java Gubernatorial Election

The daughter of the second president of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid, Yenny Wahid, conveyed a number of reasons for her who could not accept Gerindra's proposal to run in the East Java Pilkada as a candidate for governor.

Yenny admitted that several Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) elders and their family members were not allowed.

"I did not reject the offer from Mr. Prabowo, but I did not get permission from the elders so I could not participate in the governor election in East Java", said Yenny

He explained that he was responsible for maintaining the unity and integrity of the Nahdlatul Ulama people as a historical task of the Abdurrahman Wahid extended family alias Gus Dur.

"We believe that the historical task of Gus Dur's family is to unite the people, especially in this case the Nahdlatul Ulama people who have the potential to be polarized or divided by the 2018 regional elections," said Yenny.

He also said NU had donated two of its best cadres in the East Java Pilkada, namely Deputy Governor of East Java Saifuh Yusuf and Minister of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa. Therefore, he hopes that later the elected will be the best NU cadre.