The Association Of Indonesian Music Promoters Highlights Concerts In Tangerang Which Ended In Chaos

JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Music Promoters (APMI) also highlighted the Lentera Festival in Tangerang which ended in chaos.

Through uploads on the official Instagram account, APMI expressed concern for the parties who suffered losses, especially vendors whose tools were damaged by the anarchist actions of several spectators.

APMI said the incident could be used as a lesson, both for music lovers and vendors, to be more selective in choosing events.

From this incident, APMI is also concerned about the disadvantaged parties. This can also be used as a lesson for all of us, make sure to choose an event from a promoter who has a good track record, and has the capability to account for its obligations as an organizer," reads the APMI statement uploaded on Tuesday, June 25.

APMI hopes that similar incidents do not occur, considering what happened at the Lentera Festival has the potential to damage the performance industry in Indonesia.

"All APMI members will continue to synergize and be collaborative to all partners such as vendors, artists and crews, security forces, and all stakeholders to continue to provide good music performances for all audiences and the music industry ecosystem in the future," wrote APMI.

We hope that this incident will not happen again in the future, and all parties do not take anarchic actions that could harm certain parties.

For information, APMI is an association consisting of music promoters in Indonesia. This association was established on October 28, 2020 as a forum for promoters to express their aspirations.