4 Members Of The KKB, Leader Joni Botak, Arrested On Trans Papua Road

JAKARTA - The Nemangkawi Task Force arrested four people suspected of being members of the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Joni Botak, with the initials TJ, T, JJ, and EK.

"On Saturday, March 13, 2021, at 11.58 WIT at the Trans Papua Mimika-Nabire road, four KKB troops were arrested", Mimika Police Chief AKBP I Gusti Era Adhinata said in a statement reported by Antara, Wednesday. March 17th.

This arrest began when the Team for the Gakkum Timika Task Force left the Gakkum Timika Command Post for the Moving River, Iwaka District, to hunt down the food supply target for Joni Botak's KKB.

"Around the time of moving, it was detected that one of the targets known to be one of the shooters from KKB Kali Kopi, AE, who was later believed to be in a white Toyota Avanza vehicle passed and drove from the direction of Timika city towards PT. PAL", he said.

Then the team followed suit and succeeded in blocking the vehicle and securing the four people who were in the vehicle and then taken to the Gakkum Nemangkawi Command Post in the Timika area for inspection.

During the arrest, the officers secured several pieces of evidence. Among them, four mobile phones (HP) and documents of the TPNPN OPM.