Sri Mulyani Reveals That Pinjol Offers Every Day

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that there were also those who tried to seduce her to use online loans (pinjol) through various media, one of which was SMS on gadgets or cellphones.

"Masif sekarang itu offering berbagai hal. Anda lihat saja SMS Anda itu, banyak sekali. BPKP Anda bisa digunakan untuk ini. Anda tanya, ibu dapat itu? Dapat saya juga. Saya ditabani pinjaman setiap hari. Sama seperti ibu-bu," ujar Sri Mulyani dalam acara Edukasi Keuangan BUNDAKU OJK, Selasa, 25 Juni.

Sri Mulyani reminded that if people are not careful, they will be able to become victims. Therefore, he emphasized to the public, especially women, to understand financial literacy so as not to get caught up in fraudulent investment offers to illegal online loans.

"So if we ourselves do not have a defense, and then we are the ones who become victims, we are the targets," he said.

According to Sri Mulyani, the use of gadgets such as two blades can have benefits or threats because the gadgets they have cannot carry out screening or checking automatically which messages are scams or scams.

"So where is the defense now? The defense is in your head and heart. Because this gadget is a friend and at the same time he is a threat," he said.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani is happy to hear that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) through the Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education, and Protection of OJK Consumers Friderica Widyasari Dewi continues to carry out literacy and financial inclusion programs. This includes also by creating programs specifically targeting women.

"The woman is one of the most important strategic constituents in creating awareness or awareness about the importance of opportunity, namely the opportunity to advance to use digital technology, and also in terms of protecting yourself and your family and society," he said.

According to Sri Mulyani, with financial literacy and inclusion programs, people will be able to deal with changes that move so fast in the digitalization era like today.

"We are able to understand, oh, if there is a change, the change is like this, the good thing is like this, the risk is like this, I will choose, including ladies and gentlemen, every day we have more savings, the social gathering is getting bigger, there will definitely be more offers. So be careful," he said.

Sri Mulyani hopes that in the future, financial literacy and inclusion programs can continue to create human capital that is positive and adapt quickly and must think critically in the future.

"As the treasurer of the state, if the state treasurer is a little bit, ma'am, there is an offer, it continues to melt, it's difficult. The state treasurer must have critical thinking. Anyway, if there is an offer that is abundant, you immediately know it must be fraudulent," he said.

Sri Mulyani explained that related literacy and financial inclusion are important things and are able to think logically in assessing the offers provided. If there is an offer that is too profitable, don't believe it easily.