Promotor Says About International Musician Concert Ticket Prices That Are Increasingly Expensive In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The high ticket price for international musicians' concerts in Indonesia is often a problem. As a result, many people choose to watch concerts in neighboring countries because of cheaper ticket prices.

According to Harry Sudarma as the co-founder and COO of PK Entertainment, the high ticket price is not entirely the desire of a music promoter as a concert organizer. He mentioned that there are many components that must be calculated before determining ticket prices.

"Certainly, when we talk about expensive or cheap prices, we are always subjective, but we as promoters always listen to our market," said Harry Sudarma in Senayan, Central Jakarta last week.

"Obviously what we often try to think about is that sometimes from the buyer's perspective it seems simple and easy, even though for this price there are a lot of components that we need, such as licensing, security, artist prices, artist crews and others. All of that, there are costs that need to be paid," continued Harry.

Harry stated that the promoter's work is engaged in business with benefits as an orientation. However, with his experience of bringing many major international musicians to Indonesia, he also always tries to ensure that the money spent by the audience is in accordance with the experience gained.

"When I talk about this to other promoters or people who work in this world, it ends up talking about business. Yes, we end up working in a business that makes money, right. Yes, actually the promoter also needs profit," said Harry.

"But that's not the one thing we carry the most, PK Entertainment in particular always wants to give the best experience to viewers who come and buy tickets. And we also think what people get is worth it," Harry continued.

"And one thing I need to emphasize is that the determination of ticket prices is not agreed easily. But we decided that the price was with a very long discussion. So it's not limited to 'this price'. Yes, the discussion is long, we need the approval of other parties too.'