SYL Claims To Be Angry About Purchasing His Daughter's Car Using Ministry Of Agriculture Money, Judge: Why Not Returned?

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) admitted that he had scolded Panji Harjanto regarding the purchase of a car for his son, Indira Chuanda Thita Syahrul, using money sharing echelon I officials at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

However, Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh actually highlighted that reason by questioning why he did not immediately return it.

The judge's spotlight began when SYL said that he ordered Panji, who at that time was his aide, to find a loan car for his son, Thita. Because Thita often participates in the activities of the NasDem party wing organization, the Malahayati Women's Guard (Garnita).

However, the order was claimed by SYL to be misinterpreted by Panji. Because, instead of borrowing, his former aide actually bought a new car for Thita so he made it.

"I explained, Your Majesty, I asked Panji 'give a car to Thita not to use an official car because sometimes Garnita uses it. Therefore, I was looking for a car where for it. Not to buy, so when I found out when I was bought I was angry with Panji 'for what purpose, who wants to use the car'," said SYL during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24.

"Initiatives to buy the car that was handed over to Thita from brother or Panji?" asked Judge Rianto.

"I ask for a car to be prepared, in the office there are still many Mulia cars, just don't use official plates or pinjem from where for Thita because this is an incidental activity. So far, he (Thita) is using the escort car in Wican. My back-up car is used there," SYL replied.

Hearing this, Judge Rianto immediately highlighted SYL's reason for questioning why he did not immediately return the car.

Moreover, the money for the car buyer was the result of sharing or the share of echelon I officials at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"So finally you are used by your child? You are angry but there is no effort to return it or the car is sold again and returned? That's sharing from echelon I?" asked Judge Pontoh.

SYL argued that this was only discovered after the trial process rolled out. In addition, he admitted that he was too busy with other things so he did not ask Panji or his son to return the car.

"I don't know if it's sharing, let alone vendors and I'm too busy being angry with other activities. Because I'm not sure while I remember for sure I asked for it back and that's when I thought I was angry that Panji would continue. This is at trial, I was sworn in, Your Majesty," said SYL.