SYL Claims Never Ordered Sharing To Threaten Non-Task Ministry Of Agriculture Employees

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) denied ordering the collection of money or sharing at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). In fact, he admitted that he only knew about the practice at the trial.

The claim from SYL was conveyed when Chief Judge Rianto Adam Pontoh questioned him about the practice of collecting money against echelons I at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Did you still hear that there was a collection or sharing of money collection from echelon I officials? For the operational interests of the minister or your interests? Have you ever heard of that after Kasdi was appointed Secretary General?" asked Judge Rianto during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24.

"I just heard about the sharing and gathering at this trial, Your Honor, I didn't before. I want to outline Your Majesty, the permission to worship, the Secretary General, Mr. Kasdi is very professional, he is very academic, he is very obedient to the rules, he is a person who has been my priest when praying, sir. So I'm not sure if that happens," SYL replied.

"Essentially, have you ever ordered the Secretary-General?" asked Judge Rianto.

"I don't think so, God willing," said SYL.

In front of the panel of judges, SYL also claimed that he had never ordered the former Director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Muhammad Hatta, to carry out the practice of sharing.

SYL argued that in every conversation with Hatta, he never discussed funds. The whole thing is only about the Ministry of Agriculture program.

"Did you say that Informally to Prof. Imam, Muhammad Hatta, or to Kasdi that you complained about the ministry's budget after COVID-19 fell so that for operations it was lacking?" asked Judge Rianto.

"I make sure it's not Your Majesty," said SYL.

"Have you never ordered the Secretary General, Maupu, the Director General, to help you with financial problems for your operations?" said Judge Rianto.

"I am talking about almost never Your Majesty's funds. I always talk in conceptions and programs. It is not the minister's job to talk about funds," said SYL.

Not only that, SYL also denied that he often threatened to job Ministry of Agriculture employees who did not comply with his orders.

"You tell whether it's Momon Rusmono or through Kasdi or Defendant Muhammad Hatta in words, if the echelons I or officials at the Ministry do not fulfill your request as minister, then their position is in danger, can be transferred or dismissed," the judge asked.

"What is certain is not. I have been a bureaucrat for too long, I have never said anything like that," SYL replied.

"That was conveyed by other witnesses," said Judge Rinato.

"I deny that," said SYL firmly

SYL also emphasized that he had just heard of the practice of sharing at the Ministry of Agriculture during the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities.

"I just found out that there was sharing after this trial. Therefore, I cannot possibly threaten to force it because I don't know. Because I don't know it's impossible to threaten," said SYL.