Surya Paloh Signs NasDem Support Bobby Nasution In The North Sumatra Gubernatorial Election

Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh gave a signal that he would support the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, in the 2024 North Sumatra Governor Election (Pilgub Sumut). Surya said NasDem had prepared a name.

"The governor's office is Bobby, right," said Surya Paloh, Monday, June 24.

For the cawagub, Surya Paloh said that NasDem had not prepared a name. However, he submitted the decision regarding the cawagub to President Joko Widodo's son-in-law.

"Not yet. Not yet NasDem, just look for who is the best, just walk, just leave it," said Surya Paloh.

It is known that Bobby Nasution has been officially promoted by the Golkar, Gerindra, Democrat and PAN parties.