KPK Examines 3 Ministry Of Social Employees Regarding The Development Of The PKH Social Assistance Corruption Case

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is developing a corruption case related to the social assistance program (bansos) for the Family Hope Program (PKH) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). Three witnesses were examined by investigators, including the Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention of the Ministry of Social Affairs PSKBS, Rosehan Ansyari, today.

"It is scheduled for witness examination," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika to reporters, Monday, June 24.

Apart from Rosehan, investigators also summoned two other Ministry of Social employees. They are Robin Saputra, Staff at the Financial Laksana Subdivision, the Finance Section of the Ministry of Social Protection and Security as well as the Head of the Verification and Accounting Subdivision of the Secretary-Directorate General of Social Protection and Security of the Ministry of Social Affairs Firmansyah.

"The examination was carried out at the KPK's Red and White building," said Tessa.

Tessa said that currently a warrant had been issued for the start of the new investigation (sprindik) in the social assistance case. However, it has not been clearly detailed about the entangled suspects.

"That's right, (there is already, red) a development stunt," he said.

As for this case, the Director of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) Kuncoro Wibowo has been sentenced to six years. The panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court knocked on the verdict on Monday, June 10.

In addition, Kuncoro is also required to pay a fine of Rp. 1 billion. This money is paid after a decision has permanent legal force or replaced by imprisonment for 12 months.

In the same case, the court also sentenced Ivo Wongkaren to 8 years in prison, a fine of Rp1 billion. In addition, he was required to pay compensation of Rp62,591,907,120.

Then the judge also sentenced Roni Ramdani to 6 years and 6 months in prison. He was also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 1 billion and a replacement money of Rp. 28,150,700,000.

Finally, the judge also sentenced Budi Susanto to 6 years in prison. Just like the others, he was also obliged to pay a fine of Rp. 1 billion and a replacement money of Rp. 1,275,000,000.