Prabowo-Gibran Free Nutrition Eating Program Budget Prepared At IDR 71 Trillion

JAKARTA - The government has prepared a budget of IDR 71 trillion for the Free Nutrition Food program in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN). Meanwhile, Free Nutrition Food (MBG) is the mainstay program of the Presidential and Vice President Elected Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

"The free nutritious food program that has been allocated in the 2025 RAPBN budget is Rp71 trillion," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto in a press conference on the latest economic fundamental conditions and the 2025 State Budget plan, Monday, June 24.

Airlangga said the amount of the budget had been agreed upon by Elected President Prabowo Subianto during a joint meeting with the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, as well as the Government Synchronization Task Force team led by Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.

"In principle, he understands and agrees with the things discussed at the meeting, including support for programs that become superior programs and one of which is a free nutritious eating program," he explained.

Airlangga emphasized that the government has set the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget deficit (APBN) to be in the range of 2.29 percent - 2.82 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and will be maintained in accordance with the safe limits mandated in the State Finance Act.

"Range deficit in the APBN 2.29 percent-2.82 percent of GDP to support a healthy and sustainable state budget," said Airlangga.

On the same occasion, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the deficit was determined by considering the flagship program of the President-Vice President-Elect Prabowo-Gibran.

In addition, Sri Mulyani conveyed that the President-Vice President-Elect Prabowo-Gibran agreed to implement the Free Nutrition Food Program (MBG) in stages.

"Presiden terpilih pak Prabowo telah menyampaikan bahwa beliau menyetujui pelaksanaan program makanergan gratis dilaksanakan secara bertahap. Untuk tahun pertama pemerintahan beliau yaitu di 2025 telah disepakati alokasi Rp 71 triliun dalam RAPBN 2025," ungkapnya.

According to Sri Mulyani, although there was an additional IDR 71 trillion, this nominal is still in line with the 2025 deficit target of 2.29 percent-2.82 percent.

Sri Mulyani conveyed that the preparation of the 2025 State Budget had involved communication and synchronization with the President-Vice President-Elect Prabowo-Gibran.

In addition, Sri Mulyani emphasized that the management of the APBN will be managed carefully and remain an important instrument that must be maintained because it will be a mainstay for both today and the future government.

"So far, our communication has been going well to have a prudent, careful, healthy and sustainable fiscal management commitment," he said.