Eruption Returns, Monday Morning Mount Lewotolok Enters Alert Level
JAKARTA - The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) has decreased the status of Mount Ili Lewotolok, which is located in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) from the previous alert level, which has now become vigilant.
"In general, the number of earthquakes showed a decline with the dominance of recordings by earthquake gusts. Tremor was recorded with the average amplitude getting smaller," said PVMBG Head Hendra Gunawan in a report received quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 23. On June 1-7, 2024, PVMBG recorded 7 eruption earthquakes, 2,463 gusts, 11 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 3 deep volcanic earthquakes, 2 local tectonic earthquakes, and 4 distant tectonic earthquakes. On June 16-22 2024, seismic data were recorded to have 4 earthquake eruptions, 1,522 gust earthquakes, 1 volcanic tremor earthquake, 18 deep volcanic earthquakes, 3 local tectonic earthquakes, as well as 2 distant tectonic earthquakes. Hendra said that although the eruption and gust activity of smoke was still high, however it was increasingly showing a decline in the past week. The lava flow to the farthest direction was still at a distance of approximately 1.8 kilometers and 600 meters to the south. Meanwhile, the lava flow distance to the west of 27 May 2024 was still about 1.3 kilometers from the crater lip and had not shown any additional lava flow distance. Currently, explosive eruptions are still ongoing with the dominant lava ejection reach still around the crater area, but can also reach as far as about 500 meters out of the crater.
"The shallow and deep volcanic earthquake is still recorded, but it is not significant. The emergence of volcanic earthquakes indicates pressure on the body of Mount Ili Lewotolok related to the supply of shallow and deep magmatic fluid," said Hendra. The level of activity of Mount Ili Lewotolok dropped to the alert level starting June 23, 2024, at 16.00 WITA.