3 Residents Of Medan Belawan Stabbed By Neighbors

MEDAN - Stabbing occurred in Ujung Tanjung 1, Medan Belawan District, Medan. 3 residents became victims.

The stabbing was triggered by the commotion between the neighbors. The three victims, namely Zailani (41), Iwan Setiawan (36), and Zihan Hakiki (26) received 9 stitches due to wounds to their heads.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators, Suhendra (48) and his family, M Zaini (21), M Zailani (18), and M Rafli (16).

Head of Medan Belawan Police, Kompol DJ Naibaho confirmed this incident. The police immediately processed this case.

"There have been reports, both of them were victims. The motive was because they asked for medical money", said Naibaho, Tuesday, March 16.

Currently, said Naibaho, the police have not arrested the perpetrator.

"The perpetrator has not been arrested. Likely to report as well, a reciprocal report", he explained.