Haunted By Chinese Threats, Taiwan Holds Semi-Symmetric Military Exercises Maybe Real War

JAKARTA - Taiwan's 2024 annual military exercise will be held as much as possible with the actual war.

The military element, which is a major show to score points, was dropped for the sole purpose of simulating real fighting given the growing threat from China.

In recent years, enemy threats have changed rapidly, said a senior Taiwanese official who did not wish to be named, quoted by Reuters on Sunday, June 23.

China is known to have carried out routine military exercises over the past four years in Taiwanese territory. The move is considered to emphasize that Taiwan is still part of China.

The official added that there was an urgent need to re-plan how Taiwan's military exercises were held.

"Our defense military plan must also continue to be revised periodically, and the urgency of comprehensive combat training is becoming increasingly important," he continued.

Taiwan started its 'Han Kuang' military exercise since July 22 and will last for five days.

In that military exercise, there was something unusual about holding night battles. Taiwan's capital area in Taipei is also included in this military exercise.

"It's not about scoring points. We want the soldiers to wonder 'is this real?'," the official said.