Boosting 1 Million Entrepreneurs, Kemenkop UKM Asks Universities To Participate In Developing Entrepreneurship Curriculum

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) stated that universities have an important role in improving the quality and quantity of entrepreneurs in the country, by including entrepreneurship as a curriculum in the field of study.

"The campus can also play a role in establishing entrepreneurial incubators, holding entrepreneurial events for students and establishing partnerships with the private sector and government," said Expert Staff of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs for Productivity and Competitiveness Herbert Siagian in his official statement, Saturday, June 22.

Herbert assessed that universities in Indonesia must take a role in the growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem which will have an impact on national economic development.

In addition to being able to grow the entrepreneurial ratio, he assessed, the implementation of the study field helped foster a conducive business climate and an optimal business ecosystem with an entrepreneurial ratio target of 12 percent by 2045.

He said, to optimize the increase in the ratio of entrepreneurs in the country, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs also provided ease of incentives, strengthening synergies between stakeholders and growing entrepreneurial ecosystems that utilize demographic bonuses.

"This is where entrepreneurship roles based on creativity, innovation and digital technology are needed. For this reason, the government is trying to encourage the creation of 1 million new entrepreneurs among the younger generation to increase the entrepreneurship ratio by 3.23 percent in 2024," he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Siti Mukaromah, encourages the implementation of a curriculum that allows the spirit of entrepreneurship to grow so that it can accelerate the spirit of entrepreneurs and spur Indonesia's economic growth/

"We must collaborate and provide assistance to MSMEs, related to digitalization, formal legalization and increased production, both quantity and quality," he said.