South Sumatra Provincial Government Targets Transactions At The 2024 Sriwijaya Festival To Reach IDR 2 Billion

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government of South Sumatra (Sumsel Provincial Government) targets transactions at the 2024 Sriwijaya Festival to reach IDR 2 billion.

Head of South Sumatra Disbudpar Aufa Syahrizal said the festival lasted for three days on June 21-23, 2024 at the Palembang People's Struggle Monument (Monpera). A total of approximately 30 MSME players and the creative economy were displayed at the Sriwijaya Kangen Festival Market.

The number of visitors to the Sriwijaya Festival is estimated at 10,000 people, both direct and hybrid. There are 2,000 workers and human resources involved in the Sriwijaya Festival, ranging from art actors (dance studios) throughout South Sumatra, hotel employees, transportation, security, cleanliness, health, committees, and tourism actors.

"It is hoped that transactions that occur both at the location and outside the location are from accommodation, restaurants, souvenirs and tickets that are spent as a result of the 2024 Sriwijaya Festival worth IDR 2 billion," he quoted Antara as saying.

The Sriwijaya 2024 festival was also attended by delegates from several countries such as Spain and Mexico featuring their respective distinctive performances.

"Specially this year we are attending an art team from two countries, namely Compania Flamenca Victor Rojas from Spain and Sima Ballet from Mexico," he said.

He said, during the ten days in South Sumatra, the foreign delegates were invited to get to know tourist destinations, learn cultural arts and enjoy culinary delights in the city of Palembang. It is hoped that this activity will have a better relationship with Spain and Mexico.

"There are thirty tourist destinations introduced by their cyclists such as Ampera, Kuto Besak Fort, JSC, Balaputradewa Museum, TWKS Museum, and Monpera Museum, including culinary tourism and work tourism in Palembang City such as pempek, pindang, kain jumputan, songket and so on," said Aufa.

Acting Governor of South Sumatra Agus Fatoni said the Sriwijaya Festival is an important activity for South Sumatra.

"The purpose of the Sriwijaya Festival is in addition to respecting the noble values of the history of the Sriwijaya Kingdom as well as strengthening unity through cultural arts performances that are packaged attractively," he said.