Propam Polri Ultimatum Member Involved In Online Gambling Sanctioned With Dismissal

JAKARTA - The Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Syahardiantono, stated that he had issued a Telegram Letter to all ranks of the Bhayangkara Corps regarding the prevention and enforcement of gambling cases. In fact, sanctions for violators are dishonorable dismissal or PTDH.

"We have issued several STRs related to prevention and law enforcement efforts against members of the National Police who commit violations, who are suspected of being involved in gambling activities," Syahar told reporters, Friday, June 21.

Not only that, but the directions to the Head of Propam in all regional police ranks have also been carried out. This is done so that tiered supervision of all members of the National Police is carried out.

Syahar claimed, as a result of temporary supervision, not a single member of the National Police was involved in online gambling. Either as a player or others.

"The internal supervision of the National Police ensures that all members of the National Police in all Polda and ranks are not involved or involved in this gambling activity," he said.

In fact, Syahar asked the entire community to participate in supervising the behavior of Polri members by reporting them to the hotline with the number 0855 5555 4141.

So, if later it is found that members are involved in online gambling practices, then strict sanctions in the form of dismissal as members of the National Police will be given.

"We will definitely take firm action and the threat is PTDH, dishonorably dismissal from the Police," said Syahar.