There Was A Brawl Before The Body Was Found At The Kuranji Padang Bridge, This Is The Chronology

JAKARTA - The Resort Police (Polres) of Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) revealed the chronology of the case of the discovery of the body of a teenager under the Kuranji Bridge, Padang on Sunday, June 9.

Deputy Head of the Padang City Resort Police AKBP Rully Indra Wijayanto said the body was found on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11.55 WIB.

"The victim's body was found by residents who became eyewitnesses, then reported it to the Kuranji Sector Police Office (Polsek)," he said at a press conference in Padang, Friday, June 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

Based on this information, he said, the police immediately went to the location and conducted further investigations.

"From the results of the initial investigation, the identity of the male victim was obtained on behalf of Afif Maulana," he said.

According to him, the investigation continued until it was discovered that before the victim's body was found by residents at the local location, there was a brawl on Sunday, June 9 in the morning.

"Where dozens of youths seemed to be in groups using motorbikes that they contained sharp weapons," he said.

At the same time, the group ran into the Samapta Team of the West Sumatra Police, which was specially deployed to prevent and anticipate brawls that occur every Sunday night.

When they saw the gang, the Pioneer Team from Samapta Polda West Sumatra immediately dispersed and secured the perpetrators because they seemed to be carrying sharp weapons during a convoy on the streets.

He said the gang immediately broke out when they saw the arrival of officers, many fled and even left their sharp weapons at the location.

"Various sharp weapons of the type of sickle were secured by members from the location, 18 people were also secured including the victim's motorbike," he said.

He said his party also asked for information from a friend who was riding a motorcycle with the victim Afif Maulana at the time of the incident.

"We got information when we were about to be secured by officers, the victim had invited his friend to jump. But his friend refused the invitation and chose to surrender to the officer," he said.

Rully, who is now the Daily Executive of the Padang Police Chief, said that his party has continued to carry out a thorough investigation until now.

In fact, his party also examined thirty personnel from the West Sumatra Regional Police who were carrying out the task of preventing brawls on the night of the incident.

"We will carry out processing in a transparent and professional manner, we are also open to people who want to provide additional information," he said.

On the other hand, Rully also shared concerns about the brawl in Padang because it was disturbing and frightening the public.

Even these actions were recorded as having caused casualties to material losses for innocent citizens.

"We continue to anticipate this brawl, both from the Padang Police and the West Sumatra Police, not only at night, but also on holidays," he said.