Lampung Quarantine Center Failed To Send 198 Rare Birds To Jakarta

BANDARLAMPUNG - Lampung Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center thwarted the delivery of 198 birds that were protected without documents at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung.

"We have again secured 198 birds without documents, including 69 birds that are protected animals, such as cucak ijo and beo," said Head of the Bakauheni Port Service Unit (Kasatpel) Akhir Santoso, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 21.

He said the shipment of undocumented birds could be thwarted thanks to public information regarding efforts to smuggle illegal animals to Java Island.

"At around 02.58 WIB, officers who carry out inspections at pier 2 can escort a car suspected of transporting birds that are not accompanied by documents to the Quarantine Office," he said.

From the results of these arrests, officers found 198 birds wrapped in 19 cardboard boxes of used drinks and seven plastic baskets. With the details of the birds carried, namely 69 protected animals, namely 58 cucak ijo and 11 parrots.

"The other types are 45 shallot birds, 78 kepodang, and 6 cucak keling," he said.

He said that based on information from the driver with the initials ADF, hundreds of birds would be sent to Serang and South Jakarta.

"The driver brought the animals from Pesawaran Regency and Bandarlampung City. The driver also admitted that he was only entrusted and asked to deliver," he said.

Lampung Quarantine Head Donni Muksydayan, said that during long holidays such as Eid al-Adha, it is sometimes used to cross animal, fish and plant commodities without documents.

"This is proven by the attempt to send undocumented animals that our officers can thwart on Tuesday (19/6). Maybe they think the officers will be careless because of the long holiday, even though we are still on guard despite the national holiday," he said.

Donni also said that bird shipments are not prohibited but must meet health aspects and other documents.

"Regarding protected birds, the permit is to ask the local Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). Please people who will pass through animal, fish and plant commodities report to our service office," he said.