Commemorating Anniversary To 21, PPI Increases Exports Through Commodity Trading Cooperation With Two Indian Companies

JAKARTA - Entering the age of 21, PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI) which is part of the Food BUMN Holding ID FOOD is optimistic that it will expand the commodity trading business to foreign countries. This was marked by the signing of an export cooperation plan with two Indian companies.

President Director of PPI S. Hernowo, through his statement, Thursday, June 20, in Jakarta, said that the PPI 21st Anniversary had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between PPI and two companies based in India in order to increase the company's business coverage.

The first MoU is related to trading cooperation in methamphetamine with Raaj Handicraft. At the same time, PPI also signed a trading MoU for spice commodities with Barath International," he said.

The signing was carried out by the President Director of PPI S. Hernowo and Shareholders of Raaj Handicraft and Barath International, Bhawarlal Barath Kumar.

"This step is a good start to plans for cooperation in the export of domestic sap and spices to India," he said.

Through the agreement, according to S. Hernowo, further preparation of studies, schemes and cooperation frameworks will be carried out in accordance with the agreement of both parties based on market targets and needs in each working area.

"The signing of the memorandum of understanding included in the series of events at the peak of the 21st PPI Anniversary, it is hoped that activities can strengthen the role of PPI as an export gateway for food products and non-food products," he said.

S. Hernowo said, as an export gateway, throughout 2023 PPI has exported a variety of commodities, including seaweed to South Korea, China and Vietnam, coffee exports to Egypt which are carried out continuously, participating in international exhibitions and recording bilateral business cooperation with Tanzania.

To strengthen the role of PPI in encouraging an increase in national exports, S. Hernowo said that his party has also collaborated with the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Eximbank Indonesia in cooperation in strengthening the export ecosystem through the PPI Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program.

"This is part of an effort to encourage the role and responsibility of PPI as a company engaged in export, import and distribution. By involving the realm of corporate social responsibility, PPI will conduct export training and assistance for MSME business actors," he explained.

Furthermore, S. Hernowo said, to support the company's export strengthening plan, at the moment of the anniversary PPI had launched a new design website which prioritized information disclosure, customer-oriented, and with additional product catalog features and property assets.

"This is an innovation to help strategic partners from within and outside the country more easily get to know and access PPI, so that partner confidence levels are increasing," he said.

Another thing that PPI also did in the context of rebranding was to change the name of the company building from Graha PPI to Grha PPI. This change aims to give meaning and instill awareness for the entire PPI extended family and increase inclusivity for all partners and stakeholders, that Grha PPI is a home for PPI employees, partners, and stakeholders in advancing the company's business," he explained.