IPSOS Reveals Shopee And Tokopedia Are The Ecommerce Platforms That Make Customers The Most Satisfied

JAKARTA - Research company, IPSOS released the results of its research related to the satisfaction of the Indonesian people with online shopping platforms. The research entitled Experiencing and Satisfaction of Online Shopping at E-commerce' involves respondents who regularly shop online through various e-commerce available in Indonesia.

This research explores aspects that affect consumer preferences in feeling a holistic shopping experience. Using the Online Panel method, it is found that Shopee excels in providing and providing the highest level of satisfaction with online shopping experience.

Shopee's advantages in the level of satisfaction are supported by data where Shopee (62 percent) is the first choice to be recommended by consumers to close relatives, followed by Tokopedia (46 percent), TikTok Shop (42 percent), and Lazada (36 percent). These findings confirm Shopee's position as the most superior e-commerce in providing the most satisfying shopping experience for consumers.

IPSOS Indonesia Executive Director Andi Sukma said that since the e-commerce platform is present in the community, the tendency to choose online shopping as the main alternative in meeting needs continues to grow. The e-commerce platform must also adjust its strategy and present a number of innovations to provide an online shopping experience that satisfies users with diverse preferences.

"Through IPSOS research this time, we want to identify which marketplace platforms have succeeded in winning the scale of user satisfaction level and what aspects affect these choices," Andi said in a virtual release of IPSOS research results published to the media, Thursday, June 20.

He said, if further observed, there are various aspects that affect the level of consumer satisfaction in online shopping. For example, the convenience of the various payment methods offered by the e-commerce platform is a wrong consumer assessment.

Based on the results of IPSOS research, 64% of respondents rated Shopee as the e-commerce platform with the widest choice of payment methods, followed by Tokopedia (15 percent), Lazada (11 percent), and TikTok Shop (8 percent). One of the payment methods that attracted the most attention was Cash on Delivery (COD), where Shopee dominated 66% followed by Tokopedia & Lazada by 12 percent, and TikTok Shop 10 percent.

In terms of various preferences that must be met with product and category completeness and accompanied by the availability of the most diverse official Shopee stores again. As many as 68 percent of respondents rated Shopee as providing more diverse official stores than Tokopedia (15 percent), Lazada (9 percent), and TikTok Shop (7 percent).

Consumers also tend to choose the cheapest price e-commerce platform. In this case, Shopee took the lead again at 64 percent, far beyond Lazada (13 percent), Tokopedia (12 percent), and TikTok Shop (11 percent).

" Shopee's advantage is also supported by the presence of a special program for the Cheapest Price Guarantee (GHT) which is best known by 74 percent of respondents. Meanwhile, the cheapest price features from other platforms recorded lower associations including Lazada (49 percent), Tokopedia (47 percent), and Tiktok Shop (37 percent)," explained Andi.

The various choices of delivery services are also considered quite important by respondents because they increase consumer comfort and confidence in online shopping. Shopee (66 percent) is still the e-commerce with the most complete delivery service options, followed by Tokopedia (16 percent), Lazada (10 percent), and TikTok Shop (7 percent).

An interactive feature such as Live Shopping and short videos is also an added value that helps people make choices in shopping. IPSOS found 63 percent of respondents considered Shopee to be one of the e-commerce services that provides the best live streaming services, followed by TikTok Shop (17 percent), Tokopedia (10%) and Lazada (9 percent).

Andi said, the various aspects that consumers pay attention to when measuring the level of satisfaction offered by online shopping platforms reflect the dynamics in today's e-commerce industry. E-commerce players need to always innovate in order to meet higher expectations from the public.

"Through the data found by IPSOS, it can be concluded that Shopee is the superior e-commerce in an effort to provide the most satisfying holistic shopping experience for users," he explained.

He emphasized that IPSOS research shows that Indonesian consumers are now increasingly selective in choosing the flagship e-commerce platform. The presence of various features and programs that support satisfaction with online shopping is a determining factor for people's loyalty to a platform.

"From the data we have obtained and presented through this research, it is clear that Shopee understands the importance of providing a satisfying holistic online shopping experience from start to finish for the community. Shopee not only offers a wide selection of payment methods, product completeness, cheapest prices, and a variety of fast delivery services as well as an easy return process, but also takes advantage of interactive features such as live streaming and short videos to increase consumer engagement and satisfaction. All these aspects make Shopee the most reliable and recommended e-commerce platform by consumers in Indonesia," he explained.