Budi Karya: Permit For Lebaran Homecoming Is Not The Authority Of The Ministry Of Transportation
JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation said that his party had not issued a decision regarding the 2021 Eid homecoming permit. This is because the Ministry of Transportation must coordinate with other related parties who are also in charge of handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Whether or not going home or prohibiting does not prohibit, it is not the authority of the Ministry of Transportation. But we will discuss with competent parties. Of course the Task Force as the coordinator will provide one direction," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya at a Working Meeting at Commission V DPR RI, Tuesday, 16 March.
The Minister of Transportation said that his party needed the support of Commission V DPR regarding information about this year's homecoming. Regarding the mechanism and whether it is permissible or not, said Budi, it will be further coordinated.
Meanwhile, regarding requirements such as having to attach proof of a medical examination, the Ministry of Transportation will try to alleviate the community regarding the COVID-19 test.
"There is a check by means of PCR, antigen, genose, we will try to find tools that are cheaper, easier and can be used by the public," he said.
According to him, the homecoming permit is not the only authority of the Ministry of Transportation itself. However, it must be coordinated in the Task Force forum which consists of Ministries / Institutions and Coordinating Minister for PMK, the Ministry of Health and others.
"We will accommodate and discuss aspirations (with the Task Force)," said Budi.
This is certainly different from what was originally said. Where the Minister of Transportation stated that he did not prohibit the community from carrying out the Eid homecoming.
"Regarding homecoming, in principle, the Ministry of Transportation does not prohibit it," said Budi on the same occasion.