Preventing Floods In Jambi, Indonesian Air Force Sends Weather Modification Team

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force (AU) sent a team or weather modification operation (OMC) to prevent forest and land fires (karhutla) and anticipate flood disasters in the Jambi Province. "We sent a team to carry out OMC to the Jambi Province which was carried out by the BMKG in order to prevent forest and land fires and anticipate flood disasters," said Sri Mulyono Herlambang Air Base Commander (SMH) Palembang, Colonel Pnb Rizaldy Efranza confirmed in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Wednesday, June 19, confiscated by Antara.

He added that he had sent a team of 10 personnel who carried out OMC sprinkled salt up to three torques a day, with details of 800 kilograms (kg) per torque in the operation. OMC was carried out until July 2, 2024 with the technology currently owned by the Indonesian Air Force, he believes that the strategy, which has been prepared since a month ago, can provide effectiveness of up to 80 percent in order to prevent forest and land fires and flood disasters. "In addition to anticipating forest and land fires, this OMC also deals with flood disasters. For example, heavy rains that will occur in an area, we move them so that rain does not occur in areas that have the potential for flooding," he said.

On that occasion, he also mentioned that the South Sumatra Province itself this year there is no risk related to forest and land fires and is different from the Provinces of Jambi and West Sumatra. "Palembang, there is no water bombing yet, but we have not allowed it to operate because it is not yet needed," he said. He hopes that through the efforts made, forest and land fires and floods can be anticipated so as not to interfere with public activities, especially in the South Sumatra Province and its surroundings.