Russian Nuclear Power Submarine Launches Missile In Barents Sea

JAKARTA - Russia's North Fleet nuclear-powered submarine launched a cruise missile to the sea target as part of a drill in the Barents Sea north of Norway and the Kola Peninsula, the Artik Ocean.

The nuclear submarine missile cruiser North Fleet fired a practical missile against a marine target in the Barents Sea, TASS news agency reported, quoted by Reuters, Wednesday, June 19.

The nuclear-powered submarines Severodvinsk and Orel fired Kalibr and Granit cruise missiles with a distance of about 170 km (106 miles) to the target that mimics mock enemy landing ship detachments, the Interfax news agency reported.

According to objective control data, combat drills were completed successfully, Interfax said, citing a fleet statement. The missile weapons used once again confirm their built-in characteristics and high reliability.

The missile firing area is closed first for civilian shipping and flight flights.

The Barents Sea in the Arctic Ocean is located off the north coast of Norway and Russia and is divided between Norwegian and Russian territorial waters.