Pertagas Explores LNG Hub Cooperation Opportunities For Arun Terminal With South Korea

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Gas, as part of the PT Pertamina Gas Subholding (Persero), is exploring long-term business opportunities at the 4th Bilateral Maritime Dialogue (BMD) meeting between Indonesia and South Korea which was held in Busan on 12-13 June 2024.

Director of Strategy and Business Development of PT Pertamina Gas, Agung Indri Pramantyo, in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 19, said that Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) at the meeting had the opportunity to outline the projected LNG Hub Terminal business in Arun, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Agung explained the projected business of Pertagas' subsidiary, Perta Arun Gas (PAG) as a competitive oil and gas handling service provider in the global industry through the development of LNG Hub Infrastructure.

Agung further explained that the location of the LNG Hub Arun is located on a strategic international shipping route between supply sources and LNG demand. This makes Arun very ideal for the break-bulking business. In addition, Arun's position as a Special Economic Zone (KEK) creates opportunities for PAG as the largest LNG Asia Hub.

BMD between Indonesia and South Korea is an implementation of maritime cooperation between the two countries through the signing of the MoU on Maritime Cooperation on May 16, 2016.

In the 4th BMD Korea Indonesia, the two countries agreed to continue to increase cooperation in the maritime sector. One of them is in the energy sector, where a joint study will be carried out to utilize Pertamina's offshore platform for fisheries, carbon storage and LNG regasification will be carried out.

On this occasion, Pertagas also signed a memorandum of Understanding with the Korea Maritime & Ocean University Consortium (KMOUC) for the development of liquefied natural gas and gas infrastructure.

"In its implementation, a joint study will be carried out to prepare technical and commercial studies regarding the potential for development," Agung added.

The dialogue organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) of Indonesia and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MOF) of South Korea is an important platform for both countries to discuss urgent maritime issues and find innovative and sustainable joint solutions. This collaboration not only provides economic benefits for both countries, but also supports global efforts to preserve marine ecosystems.

Indonesia's delegation to the 4th BMD was led by Jodi Mahardi, Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. In addition, they were also present on the occasion as representatives from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Bappenas, BMKG, Pelindo and Pertamina Group, namely PT Pertamina (Persero), Pertamina Hulu Energi, Pertamina International Shipping and Pertamina Gas.

On a separate occasion, the Chairman of the Indonesia Gas Society, Aris Mulya Azof, said Pertamina Gas wants to take advantage of assets and terminal arun in business development, one of which makes Arun an LNG & LPG Hub terminal.

According to him, the future gas has excellent prospects. Gas will be the transitional energy and LNG will be dominant in domestic and regional.

"Arun's role with a very strategic location will provide competitive advantages. Being in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the flexibility of operations are also Arun's added value," said Aris.