KPK Schedules Staff Examination Of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Regarding Harun Masiku Tomorrow

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission or the KPK has again scheduled an examination of the personal staff of the PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Kusnadi, on Wednesday 19 June 2024. The examination relates to the alleged bribery case between interim shifts (PAW) with the suspect, Harun Masiku.

"For Kusnadi, it is scheduled for Wednesday," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters, Tuesday, June 18.

However, it is not certain whether Kusnadi will fulfill the summons for the examination to provide his statement.

Kusna was originally scheduled to undergo examination as a witness today, Thursday, June 13. However, he was not present and asked to reschedule.

Kusnadi's lawyer, Ronny Talapessy, had stated that his client was still traumatized so he could not fulfill the investigator's summons. "Because he was bullied and felt cheated," he said.

Kusnadi became an important witness in the Harun Masiku case. KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu said the examination of the staff of the PDIP Secretary General was to confirm some of the evidence that had been confiscated.

"Our interest is in summoning Mr. KS, because we have also confiscated items from the person concerned and that will be asked," said Asep Guntur.

"This means that it will be clarified for what is in it," he continued

Kusnadi was asked not to be afraid to fulfill the investigator's summons. He ensured that inspections in the room would be monitored by cameras or CCTV.

The KPK guarantees that human rights (HAM) will be upheld in every investigation process. "When giving testimony, we also give time even to suspects for lunch (hours, red), given lunch, given time to rest, for prayer," said Asep.