DKI Jakarta Bapenda Opens Samsat Outlet At Jakarta Fair Kemayoran

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) opened a Samsat outlet at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran to provide services to visitors who want to pay their vehicle taxes.

The Samsat outlet allows visitors to the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran or Jakarta Grand Week (PRJ) to pay motor vehicle tax (PKB) directly.

"People who want to extend their annual STNK by paying their vehicle tax can come to outlets or booths at PRJ. It's enough to just bring their ID card and STNK," said Central Jakarta Samsat Officer Aiptu Dedy Hendrawan when met at Jakarta Fair, JI Expo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 18 June.

Dedy explained that visitors only brought two documents, namely KTP and STNK to pay the annual motor vehicle tax (PKB).

Tax payments can be made in cash or transfer by scanning the bar code via QRIS.

In addition to being able to pay taxes directly, visitors also have the opportunity to take lottery with various prizes, such as totebag bags and other souvenirs.

One of Azizah's visitors (27) received information from social media regarding PKB payments at the Jakarta Fair. He also prefers to pay taxes at the outlets rather than having to go to the local Samsat office.

"I'm because it's from Depok, if you pay it to his office, you like to queue. It's quiet here, it's fast, you get another prize," he said.

The Bapenda outlet and Samsat services are located at the JI-Expo C1 Hall which is located in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Pavilion.

In the context of the 497th Anniversary of Jakarta City, the DKI Jakarta Bapenda also still applies a policy of removing administrative sanctions for motor vehicle taxes and transfer duties for motorized vehicles.

Taxpayers who are late in paying taxes will be exempted from administrative sanctions in the form of interest on delays per month. This policy is valid until August 31, 2024.