Professor Of IPB Gives Tips On Eating Meat In A Reasonable Number To Avoid Hypertension

JAKARTA - Professor of Food and Nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Prof. Ali Khomsan said that when celebrating Eid al-Adha, it is recommended to eat meat in a reasonable amount or about 60-70 grams of meat once to avoid hypertension. "On Eid al-Adha, as much as possible it is still three servings a day, generally once we eat we eat 60-70 grams of meat," said Prof. Ali, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 18.

He asked the public to consume meat in a reasonable amount because in Eid al-Adha, the abundant amount of red meat can make people tempted to consume it. Safe boundaries are needed to anticipate the onset of high blood risk soaring or cholesterol that is too high during holidays.

He also suggests limiting the consumption of fatty meats to avoid the onset of cholesterol.

"fat meat should not be eaten too much because it contains saturated fat and cholesterol which is generally higher," he said.

Consumption of meat in a day during Eid al-Adha, said Ali, does not necessarily cause high blood pressure or cholesterol to suddenly increase so that safe limits on meat consumption must really be obeyed, especially for those who already have a history of high blood pressure disease or cholesterol.

Eid eating goat meat does not necessarily increase blood pressure or cholesterol, unless the person has previously contracted the disease. So, what has to be careful is those who already have a disease," said Ali.

Ali recommends eating beef, either cows or goats, combining it with green vegetables as a good companion.

Green vegetables or green leafy ones usually contain high vitamin C as an antioxidant. In addition, cooking meat using spices such as chilies or keluak can reduce the bad effects of meat fat because it contains antioxidants.